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About Astrology

Astrology can help articulate the energy inherently available to a person based on their birth chart, which is a map of the sky at the moment he or she was born. The birth chart reveals how one’s innate energy is best utilized, and how personal challenges can foster growth. Because the sky is always changing, astrology offers a glimpse into impermanence and the temporary nature of life events. Though it is not a predictive science, astrology helps affirm choices. It has been my experience that this sense of affirmation helps people feel “on track” and connected to something larger. More info on Readings…

About Titiana

I learned astrology from my Mom in the 80’s when we were hand drawing charts from an ephemeris. I’ve spent countless nights under the stars, watching the cycles of the moon. Through an astrology mentorship with Jenn Brooks in Hawaii and a fervor for self directed study, I have come to intimately understand the energies of the zodiac. I love astrology because it’s creative, helpful and accurate. Plus, it’s centuries old – tried, true and tested. Astrology is an incomparable tool for support in these changing planetary times; it’s resurging!

“Titiana’s interpretation of astrology and her teaching style are mind blowing and refreshing. I struggled to grasp the deeper meanings and connections within astrology until Titiana began coaching me. Looking at my birth chart with Titiana helped me feel more connected to myself. Her workshops have given me a better understanding of the astrological big picture. I can’t wait to learn more!” — Montana